Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Hail President-Elect

As I curled up on the hard sofa of my apartment last night, listening as Senator Barack Obama said his first words as President-Elect, I couldn’t help but feel the dread and excitement of the coming future. Uncertainty seemed to latch itself to the pit of my stomach and my fingers gripped the cushions tightly. I was so overwhelmed, in fact, that I feel asleep during his speech. (O.k. so I was really, really tired.) But in all honesty, I’ve been looking towards the future and what it means for the United States, for our nation, but one of the biggest impacts for me is looking to the world. Reuters posted “Postcards” from around the world for President-Elect Obama.

Here are just a few things people write:

From Baghdad, Iraq

"I as an Iraqi, I am asking Obama to keep his promise about withdrawing the U.S. security forces here from our land."


"By the name of the Palestinian nation, I ask Obama to find a just solution for the Palestinian cause. I hope that he will be better than the ones before."

Beijing, China

"I hope you can help American people set up more understanding to Chinese. And maybe also help all the people from the world to know what happens in China. It's very important for me."

Click here to see other postcards.

BBC records the response of world leaders:

From European Commission Chief Jose Manuel Barroso

"This is a time for a renewed commitment between Europe and the United States of America. We need to change the current crisis into a new opportunity. We need a new deal for a new world.

"I sincerely hope that with the leadership of President Obama, the United States of America will join forces with Europe to drive this new deal - for the benefit of our societies, for the benefit of the world."

The UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-Moon

"This is, I believe, an historic opportunity.

"I am confident that we can look forward to an era of renewed partnership and a new multilateralism. If ever there were a time for the world to join together, it is now."

Palestinian Leader Mahmoud Abbas

"President Abbas congratulates US President-elect Barack Obama in his name and in the name of the Palestinian people, and hopes he will speed up efforts to achieve peace, particularly since a resolution of the Palestinian problem and the Israeli-Arab conflict is key to world peace."

Read More…

It’s interesting to see that Obama doesn’t just stand for “HOPE” to the American people, but also to the whole world. And it’s frightening to see their expectations. Each country desires the best for their own. But, what’s America going to do?

Congratulations President-Elect. All eyes are on you.