Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Streams of Green Running Dry

P.S. (Pre Scriptum) The title just sounded cool. There are no streams of green where the Lord has planted me. I'm really actually quite broke. But I praise God for what He's given me.

Today, I would just like to say my Visa card was charged unexpectedly. No, it was not identity theft (thank God). My bank account may have suffered a 60-some-odd dollar loss, but I am now the proud owner of an ESV Study Bible. <-- Go on, click it. You know you want to.--

I am a firm believer that the Bible is the Word of God and stands in His power. That is to say, if you are studying the Bible you should be able to answer questions through the same verse, or the next verse, maybe in the next chapter, maybe it's somewhere in the rest of the book or possibly another book altogether. You just need to know where to look and a wealth of knowledge is suddenly at your finger tips. That is where this Study (a.k.a cheater) Bible comes in. It points to other places in scripture that relate to what you are reading. Study Bibles also provide insight that the original audience would understand, but for us it's not common knowledge. It brings a deeper understanding of the Bible. Hurray!

So, although my pocketbook is a good deal lighter, I feel like this will be a very good investment.

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